Lutron Electronics has introduced Prismatic – A Lutron by Design Experience, a “unique opportunity” for design community members to experience light through an ongoing series of events starting in the UK (Manchester and London) and continuing on through Europe to Paris, Madrid and Milan.
The events enable architecture and design communities to experiment with light in a bespoke iridescent cube fit out with Lutron lighting and controls. The interplay of light and iridescent colour delivers a “completely immersive” experience. On Thursday 24th, at London’s Tate Modern, designers got hands-on time with the Lutron Lighting Designer App, to play with the system and even save their lighting creations for the pop-up structure.
Prismatic is made possible by the Athena solution, Lutron’s simple and flexible lighting and shading control solution that puts the power to personalise light in the palm of user’s hands. Athena marries “best-in-class” control, “unparalleled flexibility”, and simple app-based setup in a lighting and blinds control solution that is ideally suited to handle the evolving needs of commercial spaces.
“Lutron launched in the 1960s with the aim of creating technology that would enable individuals to control light, inventing the dimmer switch,” said Nicolla Farry, specification sales supervisor at Lutron Electronics. “For 60 years we have been striving to provide the perfect light to our users. Prismatic provides lighting designers and the design community at large with the ability to manipulate light and experience first-hand the potential of Athena.”
Following the London event, Prismatic will continue in Madrid, Paris, and Milan, starting in April 2022.