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Humly Booking Device added to PureLink EXPERIENCE Lab

Humly Booking Device can be found in each space at the PureLink EXPERIENCE Lab, a showroom and demo space within PureLink’s Zurich headquarters

Workplace experience company Humly has added its Humly Booking Device to the AV/IT ecosystem of the PureLink EXPERIENCE Lab, a showroom and demo space within PureLink’s Zurich headquarters where visitors can discover, test and experience a range of technologies.

The 170-square-metre learning lab spans four distinct spaces, including a large conference room, a huddle space and a coworking environment. A Humly Booking Device can be found in each space, offering visitors the hands-on opportunity to book rooms and desks on the spot direct from the device’s LED-backlit front panel.

Bookings are created within seconds, with the front panel and bezel lighting immediately changing from green to red upon confirmation. The experience demonstrates how to use the device and receive immediate status updates in live space booking and hotdesking applications.

Humly is the latest AV industry innovator to come into the PureLink+ EXPERIENCE Lab ecosystem, joining PureLink, Just Add Power, easescreen, LEDCON, Edbak and SurgeX among other vendors.

Ronni Guggenheim, chief growth officer, PureLink, said: “The purpose of our lab is to provide a real-world environment of the modern workplace and classroom that offers integrators, dealers and end users a place to experience everything from simple evaluations to interactive staging demonstrations.”

He added: “Our various stations bring together LED walls, cameras and other technologies you will find in an AV over IP ecosystem. The addition of Humly and their booking solutions amplifies the interactive element, entrenching visitors much deeper within the functional workplace and education experience, and will help us manage assets in the experience lab much more effectively in real life.”

Guggenheim adds that the lab will soon demonstrate a new application that merges Humly’s hotdesking capabilities with PureLink connectivity solutions, establishing direct interoperability with local peripherals at the desk. He also anticipates tighter integration betweenHumly Booking Device and easescreen’s digital signage software for the management and presentation of meeting room schedules and bookings.

Anders Karlsson, CEO, Humly, commented: “PureLink’s vision for the presentation of an AV over IP and digital signage ecosystem brings enormous value to the AV and IT communities that rely on smart, interoperable solutions for modern business and school environments.”

He concluded: “As we build our channel partner network across Germany, Austria and Switzerland, having a physical market presence in the PureLink EXPERIENCE Lab provides Humly with a unique opportunity to show customers how our workplace solutions add value and peace of mind to hybrid operations and underlines Humly’s long-term commitment to the DACH market.”