Update 7 July 2011: We have been informed that Digital Projection has used triple-flash technology in its projectors for some time. Product marketing manager David Close writes: “Our 3D models in the Titan and LIGHTNING famlies of projector have had 144Hz capability since their inception. Our 3D projectors have been used with all makes of shutter glasses on the market…These Titan projectors have been supplied to many markets and in particular home cinema.”
The compact Lumis 3D-S is billed as the only consumer projector to use triple flash technology in conjunction with the active shutter 3D delivery system.
Developed for commercial 3D cinemas, triple flash eliminates the flicker and ghosting normally associated with active shutter 3D while giving smoother motion. This makes active shutter 3D viewing more relaxing on the eye.
Based on 3-chip DLP technology – currently the only projection technology that has a fast enough refresh rate to be able to implement triple flash with active shutter 3D technology – the Lumis 3D-S is optimised for both 2D and 3D viewing. It also offers three lens options to give a throw range of 1.37 – 3.9:1, vertical lens shift and an enhanced version of Live Colours Calibration software.
The Lumis 3D-S will start to ship with XpanD glasses (two pairs per device), and will be compatible with the M-3DI cross-platform active-shutter glasses as soon as they become available. The M-3DI standard – of which SIM2 is a founder member – was developed for active-shutter 3D and is designed to bring about compatibility among 3DTVs, computers, home projectors and cinema projection.
Alan Roser, managing director of SIM2 UK, commented: “SIM2 have made a conscious decision to not be first to market with consumer 3D projection. However, we have come to market at the right time with a product that is unrivalled in the home cinema market for its 3D images.”