eyevis has recently launched its first transparent OLED (TOLED) display, the EYE-TOLED-5500, and the company has now added a new version, the EYE-TOLED-5500-TGIF40, which includes InGlass touch technology.
The touch technology, from Flatfrog, implements 40 simultaneous touch points, which allow the users to work on multiple interactive elements at the same time. InGlass provides the extra touch capability without adding noticeable bezels or metal mesh.
“With any other touch technology, we would have needed to add a conspicuous frame to the EYE-TOLED-5500. The high-quality InGlass touch surface without a protruding frame, on the other hand, further enhances the display”, explained Joachim Vollmer, eyevis product manager for displays.
All black image content is displayed transparent, while active self-luminous image points put forward high quality colours. The display also has full HD image resolution, even from a viewing angle of up to 178°, high contrast and short response time.
“Since the very announcement of the touch version EYE-TOLED-5500-TGIF40, our clients have been showing great interest in the new display,” said Vollmer. “Both technologies, the transparent OLED display and the InGlass Touch surface, have already been causing a furore on their own. In combination, they will be our definite highlight!”