Peerless-AV has collaborated with Signagelive for the launch of its new UK Experience Lab in Saffron Walden, Essex. The lab opened on 3 November, and includes a range of Samsung Smart Signage displays mounted on Peerless-AV brackets to showcase real-world examples of how Signagelive is used for retail, quick serve restaurant (QSR) and corporate communications.
Ian Abernethy, Peerless-AV’s director of sales UK, commented: “We’re pleased to be a sponsor and support Signagelive with their new UK demonstration facility for resellers, partners and end users. It’s a great opportunity to show the various user scenarios for Samsung Smart Signage Displays, powered by Signagelive’s System on Chip (SoC) software, and how our mounts provide vital ‘behind the scenes’ support for these installations.”
The Signagelive UK Experience Lab splits the ground floor area into retail, corporate and QSR zones featuring an array of displays in different configurations, orientations and sizes from 10-48in, each running specifically prepared content. Peerless-AV’s floor-to-ceiling single pole Modular Series Kit is being used in a three-screen formation to welcome visitors as they enter the venue. The kit is simple to install with versatile screen positioning along the height of the pole, and allows back-to-back mounting for dual screen applications.
A Peerless-AV DS-VW765-LQR Full-service Quick Release Video Wall Mount with pop-out mechanism and tool-less micro adjustment is used in the recessed retail paypoint and numerous flat wall mounts with simple Hook-and-Hang system and low-profile design are used throughout the three zones. The mounts enable fast, convenient single-person installation and deliver a sleek, compact, professional finish.
“The brackets Peerless-AV supplied to help us build our Experience Lab in the UK provided us with the ability to quickly and easily mount the 18 screens we have in a number of different orientations and configurations,” said Neil Grayton, product owner, Signagelive. “Without their assistance we wouldn’t have been able to pull together our new Experience Lab in the short time we had.”